”Then his disciples approached Jesus and asked, “Why do you always speak to people in these hard-to-understand parables?” He explained, “You’ve been given the intimate experience of insight into the hidden mysteries of the realm of heaven’s kingdom, but they have not. For everyone who listens with an open heart will receive progressively more revelation until he has more than enough. But those who don’t listen with an open, teachable heart, even the understanding that they think they have will be taken from them. That’s why I teach the people using parables, because they think they’re looking for truth, yet because their hearts are unteachable, they never discover it. Although they will listen to me, they never fully perceive the message I speak. The prophecy of Isaiah describes them perfectly: Although they listen carefully to everything I speak, they don’t understand a thing I say. They look and pretend to see, but the eyes of their hearts are closed. Their minds are dull and slow to perceive, their ears are plugged and are hard of hearing, and they have deliberately shut their eyes to the truth. Otherwise they would open their eyes to see, and open their ears to hear, and open their minds to understand. Then they would turn to me and I would instantly heal them. “But blissful are your eyes, for they see. Delighted are your ears, for they are open to hear all these things.“
I got the strong sense this morning even before reading this passage that the Lord is preparing for a wake-up call. And as strange as that sounds after all we’ve been through these last 5 years -- we all have friends and family who are sound asleep to the truth. Jesus said, I Am the way, the truth and the life, no man can come to the Father except by Me. And He sent us the gift of Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. I’ve said it here before, and I will continue to say it. Any truth, leads to Jesus. If you’ve watched people’s testimonies over the last few years -- you know that it was some spark of truth -- whether about child trafficking, or the jabs, or the 2020 election or any other real physical truth that led many people to Jesus. And I believe we’re going to see more and more of that. So let me encourage you all to ramp up your prayers that your loved ones, friends and neighbors would have their eyes, ears and hearts opened to the truth. We know that where the truth reigns, there is liberty.
