Luke 1:39-55 - we’re picking up the story where Mary has just learned that she will be giving birth the Messiah, Jesus. And she has gone away to stay with her elderly aunt Elizabeth and her uncle Zechariah.
”Afterward, Mary arose and hurried off to the hill country of Judea, to the village where Zechariah and Elizabeth lived. Arriving at their home, Mary entered the house and greeted Elizabeth. At the moment her aunt heard Mary’s voice, the baby within Elizabeth’s womb jumped and kicked. And suddenly, Elizabeth was filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit! With a loud voice she prophesied with power: “Mary! You are a woman given the highest favor and privilege above all others, for your child is destined to bring God great delight. How did I deserve such a remarkable honor to have the mother of my Lord come and visit me? The moment you came in the door and greeted me, my baby danced inside me with joy! Great favor rests upon you, for you have believed every word spoken to you from the Lord.” And Mary sang this song: “My soul is ecstatic, overflowing with praises to God! My spirit bursts with joy over my life-giving God! For he set his tender gaze upon me, his lowly servant girl. And from here on, everyone will know that I have been favored and blessed. The Mighty One has worked a mighty miracle for me; holy is his name! Mercy kisses all who fear him, from one generation to the next. Mighty power flows from him to scatter all those who walk in pride. Powerful princes he tears from their thrones and he lifts up the lowly to take their place. Those who hunger for him will always be filled, but the smug and self-satisfied he will send away empty. Because he can never forget to show mercy, he has helped his chosen servant, Israel, keeping his promises to Abraham and to his descendants forever.” Before going home, Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months.“
What hit me this morning when I was reading this is that Elizabeth and Mary understood the season they were in. They were both women who loved God and made themselves available to Him to be part of the miracle of salvation He was bringing to the Earth. And in this passage they are both filled with wonder and expectation for what the Lord would do through the ones He was birthing through them. Elizabeth, gave birth to John the Baptist the one who prepared the way of the Lord Jesus who Mary birthed. It’s also interesting that the Lord drew these two women who were both living with a sense of incredible expectation and found themselves in improbable circumstances -- an elderly pregnant woman and a pregnant virgin -- to be together in this delicate time. That should instruct us as well. It’s important for us to surround ourselves with the right people for the season we are in -- especially as we are in a time of dreaming and anticipation for what the Lord is doing. Mary went to a place where she would be encouraged and cared for -- to a place where people were likeminded in their expectation for what the Lord was doing. That is so important for the season we are in as well. Don’t spend your expectation time with dream killers.
I hope the reading of this encourages you to take a fresh look at the scriptures this season -- to take a fresh look at the Christmas story and the prophecies that foretold it. Our God is a God who still works miracles, who still astounds the wise and gives understanding the humble, who still draws near to those who draw near to Him. The Christmas season is one where we are accustomed to turning our heart toward a sense of expectation. And this year, more than most in recent history, we need to be positioned not only in expectation but in personal readiness, surrounded by likeminded people for what the Lord wants to do in us and through us.