”Our coming alongside you to encourage you was not out of some delusion, or impure motive, or an intention to mislead you, but we have been approved by God to be those who preach the gospel. So our motivation to preach is not pleasing people but pleasing God, who thoroughly examines our hearts.“
Paul wrote this in his first letter to the Thessalonians, and it is great instruction for us regardless of where the Lord has called us to work. Our motivation to do whatever it is -- teach, raise children, help patients, design bridges, repair pipelines, edit manuscripts. Whatever it is that the Lord has uniquely skilled us and called us to do -- our motivation should not be to please people, but to please God -- He’s the only one who can accurately examine, judge and refine our hearts. If we work with an attitude of serving the Lord and answering to the Lord, the opinions of people start to really fade in significance. And that’s when we can begin to do something great.